The idea behind the Children’s Mental Health Project is a simple one. I want to put information and skills into the hands of others, so that they can make a huge impact in children’s lives. Especially those parents and professionals dealing with them daily.

In my 30+ years of working with children, I have learned that their mental health needs are best met when families and communities have the skills and tools necessary to support children themselves.

This is where the CMH Project comes in. Why not build a world where fellow advocates can learn and discuss ways to provide a happier, more fulfilling path for all of our children! If we don’t advocate for them, who will?


This isn’t a path I wish to walk alone. I want to pull you along with me!

And so with this project, I aim to offer:

  • Information and professional insight from a licensed play therapist
  • Start conversation around child advocacy and normalize counseling
  • Support parents and professionals by fostering an information-sharing and engaging community

A few ways to get engaged is to sign up for my newsletter, look out for the occasional workshop, and hit me up for a one-on-one consultation.



I am a family play therapist with over 30 years of experience working with children in a variety of settings. I have amassed a strong theoretical and practical foundation of childhood and the many issues children and families face. And yet, each time I meet a child, I am starting anew and wonder…

Who is this unique and wonderful person? What special gifts does she bring to the world? What challenges does she face? How can we work together—child, family and therapist—to create the best outcome for the child and family?

My background:
   • Born, raised, and educated in Northern California

  • BA in Human Development, MS in Counseling (Cal State Hayward)

Fun Facts about me:
  • I live in Oakland where I enjoy the rich mix of peoples, cultures, and wild nature
Did you know Oakland has a large lake and redwood forests within our borders?)
  • I enjoy gardening, hiking with my two dogs, and chatting with the neighbors