
Stories have a vital role to play in trauma prevention and recovery. Learn why sharing our pandemic stories is crucial and how they can help us in the future.


One of my all time favorite parenting books has the long title How to Get your Kids to Eat, But Not Too Much.  Nutritionist Ellyn Satter discussed why it is important to stay out of power struggles with your child […]


With so many violent tragedies playing out in our schools and communities, parents are understandably concerned when their children have pretend play with violent themes. I often have parents come to me with concerns over pretend gun play […]


I often hear parents say things like “My child is so rude. You would not believe the things he says to me.”  Or,  ‘I would have never spoken to my parents this way.” “No matter what I try […]


Fifty years ago, when I was a little girl, children were taught the alphabet in Kindergarten. It was there we learned the name and shape of each letter, to associate sounds with letters, to recognize and write our […]


Physical affection holds a high value and your family. You always greet and say good-bye toone another with hugs, and sometimes kisses to the cheek. But tonight, when it’s time to saygoodbye, your child is balking and refusing […]


When I was a young child in the 1960s, praise was a rare thing for a parent to offer.  One was expected to be good for goodness’ sake – and to avoid the spanking that comes from being […]


As the family crosses a large field one child begins running way out ahead of the others. The distance begins to make Mom nervous. “Stop” Mom yells. The child continues to run a few more paces before beginning to slow […]


Children tantrum for three basic reasons: to communicate, to gain control and to release emotional energy.


HOW TO GET THROUGH TANTRUMS Before, we learned that children tantrum for one of three reasons: But once we know the why, how do we deal with them? Tantrums are difficult to manage because they play into our […]