
Hello there, this is Katrinca. And welcome to my passion project!

We’ll address areas and topics we all struggle to navigate. As parents and educators, we try to provide our kids with the support and resources they need…but it’s hard! And  that is the exact reason why I’m here— to demystify!


From time to time, I’ll host classes and webinars on the big stuff. These will equip you with real knowledge and tools!


Get direct access to a play therapist…me! Ask me your burning questions or even book a free consultation.


There will be various topics from tantrums and violence to family dynamics and bullying; right here or delivered to your inbox!


Stay engaged and share your experiences with other parents and professionals. We all have unique perspectives and insights to give.


New series!

Ever had trouble understanding and dealing with a tantrum? Me too! Which is why I chose this as the first topic and your line of defense.

Learn the three reasons children tantrum, how to deal with it, and what to do if it becomes chronic…